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Lets be real. Chapstick is totally underrated and should be considered a commodity. On a cold day when my lips are chapped, I would do anything to have chapstick to soothe the pain. This film would piggyback off this idea and feature closeup shots of people applying chapstick next to people suffering without it. Now that I actually wrote this down, it sounds kind of dumb but I promise there is a good idea in my head. 

First Person Adventure/Thriller

I am a huge fan of first person filming. In my mind, it really makes me feel like I am transported into the shoes of the person filming. For this idea, I would like to make a first person film of my/or an actors everyday life but with a twist. I want the world to feel off and then the film climaxes with the character going home only to find a deserted house. Nobody ever comes home afterwards. 


Something that really grinds my gears is people walking on the wrong side of the hallway. I absolutely hate it, yet I occasionally find myself doing it. The hallways are also especially well setup to facilitate this annoying behavior. This film will explore why people do this, their opinions on the issue at hand, and possible solutions.



I saw that taxes were raised 2.4% to accommodate an increase in BBA tuition. Why did this happen and are there any tangible results affecting my day to day life from this increase.


A spa about walking on the right side of the hallway or not walking on your phone. Both of theses really bother me when people don't do them.


Something about unnecessary risk taking. I'm not sure what this would be yet.

Need for speed remake parody with the Mini Cooper.

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